CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Spring 2014 Schedule
Wednesday 8:30-9:30am
ITC Biotechnology Building BI-2221
With refreshments; followed by free discussions
February 19: J. David Schaffer (Bioengineering, Binghamton University)
"Exploring the Feasibility of a Diagnostic Test for Dementia Based on Patterns in Speech" [Flyer] [Video]
March 5: Genki Ichinose (CoCo Visiting Scholar; Anan National College of Technology, Japan)
"Evolution of Fairness in the Not Quite Ultimatum Game" [Flyer] [Video]
March 19: Daniel Ly (Psychology, Stanford University)
"Machine Science and the Automated Uncovering of Hidden Variables in Dynamical Systems" [Flyer]
April 2: Kristie McHugh (School of Management, Binghamton University)
"Collective Decision Making with an Emphasis on Leadership and Collective Intelligence" [Flyer] [Video]
April 23: Sam Heiserman (Systems Science, Binghamton University)
"Robustness of Complex Networks to Global Perturbations" [Flyer] [Video]
[Extra CoCo Seminar] May 5: Ehsan Alikhani (Systems Science, Binghamton University)
"Computational Social Analysis: Social Unrest Prediction Using Textual Analysis of News" [Flyer] [Video]
May 7 (rescheduled): Vladimir Miskovic (Psychology, Binghamton University)
"Seeing with Feeling: Changes in Local and Network Brain Dynamics During Emotional Learning" [Flyer]
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Complex Systems Research Group, Binghamton University