CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Spring 2013 Schedule
Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Biotechnology Building, Room 2221 (ITC Conference Room)
With refreshments; followed by free discussions
Monday February 11 5:00-6:00pm at AAG 008
[Special CoCo/EvoS/ECE Joint Seminar]
Hod Lipson (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University)
"Accelerating Discovery: Distilling Natural Laws from Experimental Data, from Physics to Biology" [Video]
February 20: Andreas Pape (Economics)
"An Agent-based Model of Property Tax Voting: A Case-Study of Binghamton, NY" [Video]
March 6: Benjamin James Bush (Systems Science)
"Behavior and Centrality in Idea Exchanging Adaptive Social Networks" [Video]
March 20: Keith Thompson, Bichen Zheng (Systems Science and Industrial Engineering)
"Data Mining for Cancer and Dermatology Disease Prediction" [Video]
April 3: Lina Begdache (Health and Wellness Studies)
"Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics" [Video]
April 24: Genki Ichinose (CoCo Visiting Scholar; Anan National College of Technology, Japan)
"Coevolutionary Games on Spatial Structures" [Video]
May 8: Xinpei Ma (Biomedical Engineering)
"Mental Disorder Recovery Correlated with Centralities and Interactions on Online Social Networks" [Video]
© Copyright 2007-2013 Collective Dynamics of
Complex Systems Research Group, Binghamton University