CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Spring 2012 Schedule
Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Biotechnology Building, Room 2221 (ITC Conference Room)
With refreshments; followed by free discussions
February 8: Zhanpeng Jin (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
"Towards Trustworthy Pervasive Medical Monitoring" [Video]
February 22: Hiroki Sayama (Bioengineering & Systems Science and Industrial Engineering)
"How Networks Changed the "Scale" of Our World" [Video]
March 7: Hadassah Head (Systems Science)
"Electronic Brainstorming: Is Fluency All There Is to It?"* [Video]
(*This title was generated using Hadassah's electronic brainstorming system :)
March 21: Seth Spain (School of Management)
"Personality Traits As Emergent Causal States: A Dynamic Model of Behavior Consistency and Change" [Video]
April 18: Troy Tassier (Economics, Fordham University) ***NOTE: location changed to AA G023 on 4/18***
"Endogenous Movement and Equilibrium Selection in Spatial Coordination Games" [Video]
April 25: Jason Barr (Economics, Rutgers University)
"Social Networks and Educational Effort: An Agent-based Model" [Video]
May 9: Agent-based Policy Modeling Class: Final Presentation (led by Andreas Pape) [Video]
© Copyright 2007-2012 Collective Dynamics of
Complex Systems Research Group, Binghamton University