CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Spring 2009 Schedule
February 18: Pam Mischen (Public Administration; will be held in BI-2602 only on this date)
"Complex Social Problems in Binghamton and Broome County"
March 4: Scott Henkel (English)
"Aiming an Arrow at Achilles: Complex Systems and Literary Scholarship"
March 18: Yu Chen (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
"LAVI: A Location Aware Virtual Infrastructure for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"
March 25: Andreas Pape (Economics)
"A Computational Implementation of Case-based Decision Theory"
April 8: Heike Sichtig (Biomedical Engineering)
"Information Processing in Biological Systems"
April 15: Justin Garcia (Anthropology and Biological Sciences)
"Biocultural Perspectives on Intimacy and Infidelity: How Can Sexual Relationships be Studied with Complexity Theory?"
April 29: Ken Chiu and Chaitali Pandit (Computer Science)
"Lake Sunapee: Cyberinfrastructure for Citizen Science"
© Copyright 2007-2009 Collective Dynamics of
Complex Systems Research Group, Binghamton University