CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Fall 2013 Schedule
Wednesday 8:30-9:30am
Biotechnology Building, Room 2221 (ITC Conference Room)
With refreshments; followed by free discussions
September 11: Edward Li (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
"Resolving the Spectrum Shortage Problem by Cognitive Radio Networks" [Video]
Monday September 23 5:00-6:00pm at AAG 008 [CoCo/EvoS Joint Seminar]
Nina Fefferman (Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, Rutgers University)
"Evolutionary pressures, Infectious Diseases, and Self-Organizing Social Systems" [Video]
September 25: Andreas Pape (Economics), Ken Kurtz (Psychology) and Hiroki Sayama (Bioengineering and Systems Science)
"Complexity Measures and Human Classification Learning"
October 9: Genki Ichinose (CoCo Visiting Scholar; Anan National College of Technology, Japan)
"Adaptive Long-Range Migration Promotes Cooperation Under Tempting Conditions" [Video]
October 23: Thomas Lombardi (Computing and Information Studies, Washington and Jefferson College)
"Complex Systems in the Arts & Humanities" [Flyer] [Video]
Thursday October 31 11:30am-1:00pm at ES 2008 [Special CoCo Seminar]
Martin Hanczyc (Institute of Physics Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Southern Denmark)
"Materials Inspired from Biology: Perspectives from Artificial Life" [Flyer] [Video]
November 6: Ian MacDonald (Biological Sciences)
"The Cultural Ecosystem Approach: How Ideas from Evolution and Ecology Can Inform the Study of Cultural Diversity" [Flyer]
November 20: Peter Dugan (Bioacoustics, Cornell University)
"Listening to the World's Oceans: Searching for Marine Mammals by Detecting and Classifying Terabytes of Bioacoustic Data in Clouds of Noise" [Flyer] [Video]
Thursday December 5 10:00-11:00am at ES 2008 [note the date/location change]
Joe Chou (Systems Science and Industrial Engineering)
"Pattern Analysis of Cognitive Representations with fMRI Data" [Flyer]
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Complex Systems Research Group, Binghamton University