CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Fall 2012 Schedule
Wednesday 9:00-10:00am
Fine Arts 242 (*** note the room change for this semester ***)
With refreshments; followed by free discussions
September 19: Hiroki Sayama (Bioengineering & Systems Science and Industrial Engineering)
"Post-Merger Cultural Integration from a Social Network Perspective: A Computational Modeling Approach" [Video]
October 10: Richard Lee (Sociology) ***NOTE: Starts earlier at 8:30am***
"The Structures of Knowledge and the Crisis of the Modern World-System"
November 7 (RESCHEDULED): Yu Chen (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
"An Introduction to Moving Target Defense in Cloud Systems" [Video]
November 14: Keith Thompson (Systems Science)
"Distributed Processing for Large-Scale Location-Based Social Networks"
November 21: Jean Marie Dembele (Computer Science, Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis, Sénégal)
"An Agent-Particle Model for Taxis-Based Aggregation" [Video]
November 28: Simon Joyce (Mathematical Sciences)
"An Introduction to Gene Regulatory Networks" [Video]
December 5: Jeffrey Schmidt (Systems Science) ***NOTE: Starts earlier at 8:30am***
MS Thesis Defense: "PyGNA: A Python Implementation of Generative Network Automata" [Video]
December 12: Dave Schaffer (Bioengineering)
"Complex Systems as a Foundation for a Grand Theory of Everything" [Video]
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Complex Systems Research Group, Binghamton University