Collective Dynamics of
Complex Systems
(CoCo) Research Group

CoCo Informal Seminar Series
Fall 2010 Schedule

Monday September 13, 10:00-11:00am at Room BI-2222: ***NOTE irregular day, time & location ***
Josh Bongard (University of Vermont, Computer Science)
"Automated Reverse Engineering of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems"
Paper available from here
Also check out his EvoS seminar talk!

September 22: Hiroki Sayama (Bioengineering and Systems Science)
"Ecological and Evolutionary Dynamics Emerging in the Swarm Chemistry World"

October 6: Kenneth Kurtz (Psychology)
"Neural Network Models of Learning and Cognition"

October 20: Benjamin James Bush (Systems Science)
"Coevolution of Social Network Structure and Behavioral Information of Agents"

November 3: Matthew Hoffman (Systems Science)
"A Geospatial Analysis of Transportation History"

November 17: J. David Schaffer (Bioengineering)
"Towards a Clinical Decision Support System for Sepsis"

December 8: Jin Akaishi (Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan/Visiting Scholar, CoCo Research Group)
"Reconstructing History of Social Network Evolution Using Web Search Engines" [Video]

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